

Community   -   Dec 29, 2022 Frank Wu, Keynote Speaker of ACA 50th Anniversary Celebration Banquet
Frank Wu, Keynote Speaker of ACA 50th Anniversary Celebration Banquet

On a momentous evening in the heart of Detroit, an audience gathered to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Asian Cultural Association (ACA). The keynote speaker, Frank Wu, took to the stage amidst warm applause, bringing with him a message that was both reflective and forward-looking. Wu, a prominent scholar

Community   -   Dec 12, 2022 Christmas carol and dance program 圣诞节联欢晚会
Christmas carol and dance program 圣诞节联欢晚会

12/10/22 晚七点OCC教会举办了圣诞节歌舞晚会。节目丰富多彩吸引力了很多社区的新老朋友.大家 欢聚一堂 共度美好时光 Saturday 12/10/22 at 7pm at Oakland Chinese Church holds a Christmas carol and dance program. The program is extremely colorful and beautiful. Many old and new friends in the community gathered here for this event.

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Community      Frank Wu, Keynote Speaker of ACA 50th Anniversary Celebration Banquet
Frank Wu, Keynote Speaker of ACA 50th Anniversary Celebration Banquet

On a momentous evening in the heart of Detroit, an audience gathered to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Asian Cultural Association (ACA). The keynote speaker, Frank Wu, took to the stage amidst warm applause, bringing with him a message that was both reflective and forward-looking. Wu, a prominent scholar

Community      Christmas carol and dance program 圣诞节联欢晚会
Christmas carol and dance program 圣诞节联欢晚会

12/10/22 晚七点OCC教会举办了圣诞节歌舞晚会。节目丰富多彩吸引力了很多社区的新老朋友.大家 欢聚一堂 共度美好时光 Saturday 12/10/22 at 7pm at Oakland Chinese Church holds a Christmas carol and dance program. The program is extremely colorful and beautiful. Many old and new friends in the community gathered here for this event.

Community      Community gathering 把爱传递给社区 - OCC 感恩聚会
Community gathering 把爱传递给社区 - OCC 感恩聚会

爱在传递--OCC教会在11月26 日晚举办了疫情后的第一次感恩节实体聚会Potluck 晚餐。期间有游戏互动,以及感恩分享。近200余人参加了聚会。大家不仅享受到了丰富的美食与新老朋友的相识,相聚更是让大家有了回家的感觉,让爱温暖到每个人的同时把爱传递给有需要的人。

Community      Dragon Eagle TV Youth Team Winter Coat Donation 龙鹰卫视青少年团冬衣收集捐赠活动
Dragon Eagle TV Youth Team Winter Coat Donation 龙鹰卫视青少年团冬衣收集捐赠活动

Start from 11/6/2022, Dragon Eagle TV youth group went out door to door in the Century Oaks neighborhood to commence a used Winter Coat drive. The youth group put in time and effort to design, cut, and hand out hundreds of flyers to all the residents in Century

Community      Detroit Public School FLICS Culture Blast - Chinese Culture Day 中国文化呈现美国公校 - 中国文化日活动
Detroit Public School FLICS Culture Blast - Chinese Culture Day 中国文化呈现美国公校 - 中国文化日活动

龙鹰电视台在底特律外语沉浸与文化研究学校的报道 欢迎来到龙鹰电视台,我是Alexia Xu,目前正在底特律市中心的外语沉浸与文化研究学校(FLICS)进行报道,该校正在举办文化节和中国日活动。这是我们每年在FLICS举办的年度文化节活动。本周我们关注的语言和文化有日语、中文、法语和西班牙语,今天是文化节的最后一天,活动在社区内举行。 作为文化节的一部分,中国日活动让学生们可以体验中国文化。学生们可以购买中国传统的玉器和糖葫芦(一种中国甜点),还可以在体育馆里扮演中国龙。学校还展示了中国艺术作品。 感谢龙鹰电视台在我们的活动中一直以来的支持,包括图书捐赠、中国日当天的报道,今天他们也在场。我想感谢龙鹰电视台的出席,我们将继续与他们的合作,进入下一个学年。 字幕: Alexia Xu: 欢迎来到龙鹰卫视。我的名字是Alexia Xu。我现在在底特律市中心的外语沉浸与文化研究学校进行报道,他们正在这里举办文化文化大爆破和中国日活动。 Zetia Hogan: 这是我们在FLICS举办的年度文化大爆破活动。这周我们对日语、中文、法语和西班牙语有了进一步的了解。今天是文化大爆破的最后一

Community      One Book One World Michigan donated books to Detroit Public Schools and The Foreign Language Immersion and Cultural Studies School (FLICS)
One Book One World Michigan donated books to Detroit Public Schools and The Foreign Language Immersion and Cultural Studies School (FLICS)

Video Script: (by Alexia Xu) Alexia Xu: Welcome to Dragon Eagle TV, my name is Alexia Xu. We’re currently at the Detroit Public Schools, where we are reporting on the One Book One World program.  Alexia Xu: The One Book One World Michigan project brings books about Asian heritage

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