News      密州三所大学被叫停与中国合作|州情咨文重点内容|通用汽车电动车前景|流感死亡病例|拯救车城破旧房屋|地方警察排斥ICE|昆曲展演


News      Reuniting in Person: A Heartfelt Gathering for the APAC Community
Reuniting in Person: A Heartfelt Gathering for the APAC Community

It was a heartwarming sight to behold as members of the APAC community gathered in person after two long years. The event, marked by a spirit of reconnection and camaraderie, brought together colleagues, friends, and family who had been separated by time and circumstances. As Lisa pointed out, the absence

Community      Join the 2025 Community-Wide Lunar New Year Celebration with the Detroit Pistons!
Join the 2025 Community-Wide Lunar New Year Celebration with the Detroit Pistons!

As we usher in the Year of the Snake, the city of Detroit gears up for an unforgettable evening of culture, community, and basketball at the 2025 Community-Wide Lunar New Year Celebration. Partnered with the Detroit Pistons, this landmark event will take place on January 31, 2025, at the iconic

you-are-hired      You are Hired Ep 4"How to successfully transition to a different career stage"
You are Hired Ep 4"How to successfully transition to a different career stage"

This episode shares information to help you navigate your job transition by providing strategies on how to utilize your strengths and pivot to a new role.  Our guest panel includes: Richard Hu, VP of BorgWarner, Sue Sun-Lasovage CHRO Hyzon Motors Soraya Kim Larkin, Division President H2Power Please subscribe to Dragon

you-are-hired      You are Hired Ep 2 "Learn from the Best"
You are Hired Ep 2 "Learn from the Best"

A new episode of You Are Hired. Want to get hired?  Want to advance your career? Watch ‘Learn from the Best’ You Are Hired (YAH!) is a brand-new talent development program launched by Dragon Eagle TV. Due to the pandemic, employers are facing the most severe labor shortage since World

you-are-hired      You Are Hired (YAH!) Pilot Episode - Inteview Grant Yang
You Are Hired (YAH!) Pilot Episode - Inteview Grant Yang

Sponsorship If you or your company are interested in sponsoring this show, please click on the link to Sponsorship Inquiry Form for more information.

Chinese-interviews      【中美汽车对话】专访国际汽车工程师学会联合会(FISITA)终身名誉主席,清华大学汽车产业与技术战略研究院院长赵福全博士|龙鹰卫视

本期中美汽车对话聚焦于智能电动汽车(EV)领域,探讨了在全球经济和科技变迁背景下,中国和美国汽车产业的交流与合作。作为全球两大经济体及汽车市场,中美两国在智能电动车领域的动态不仅影响彼此,也引领着全球汽车行业的发展方向。本节目特别邀请到清华大学汽车产业与技术战略研究院院长赵福全博士,深入分析ICT企业(信息通信技术企业)进入造车行业的动机、智能电动汽车成功的关键要素以及未来汽车产业的新赛道。 Highlight * ICT企业转型契机 赵福全博士强调,随着互联网从“人人联网”转向“万物互联”,ICT企业看到了在智能电动汽车领域应用其核心技术和数据处理能力的巨大潜力。汽车作为民用工业中产业链最长、资本需求最大的产业之一,为ICT企业提供了实现技术落地和业务扩展的理想平台。未来,智能电动汽车将成为城市基础设施中的重要节点,连接人流、物流和能源流,并通过信息流改变社会运作方式。 * 智能电动汽车的成功要素 赵博士指出,成功的智能电动汽车不仅要具备优秀的硬件基础,还需具备软件与硬件深度融合的能力,使车辆能够自我进化并适应个性化需求。这意味着车辆投产后

News   -   密州三所大学被叫停与中国合作|州情咨文重点内容|通用汽车电动车前景|流感死亡病例|拯救车城破旧房屋|地方警察排斥ICE|昆曲展演


by Admin
News   -   Reuniting in Person: A Heartfelt Gathering for the APAC Community

It was a heartwarming sight to behold as members of the APAC community gathered in person after two long years. The event, marked by a spirit of reconnection and camaraderie, brought together colleagues, friends, and family who had been separated by time and circumstances. As Lisa pointed out, the absence

by Juyeon Chae
Reuniting in Person: A Heartfelt Gathering for the APAC Community
Community   -   Join the 2025 Community-Wide Lunar New Year Celebration with the Detroit Pistons!

As we usher in the Year of the Snake, the city of Detroit gears up for an unforgettable evening of culture, community, and basketball at the 2025 Community-Wide Lunar New Year Celebration. Partnered with the Detroit Pistons, this landmark event will take place on January 31, 2025, at the iconic

by Admin
Join the 2025 Community-Wide Lunar New Year Celebration with the Detroit Pistons!
you-are-hired   -   You are Hired Ep 4"How to successfully transition to a different career stage"

This episode shares information to help you navigate your job transition by providing strategies on how to utilize your strengths and pivot to a new role.  Our guest panel includes: Richard Hu, VP of BorgWarner, Sue Sun-Lasovage CHRO Hyzon Motors Soraya Kim Larkin, Division President H2Power Please subscribe to Dragon

by Admin
You are Hired Ep 4"How to successfully transition to a different career stage"
you-are-hired   -   You are Hired Ep 2 "Learn from the Best"

A new episode of You Are Hired. Want to get hired?  Want to advance your career? Watch ‘Learn from the Best’ You Are Hired (YAH!) is a brand-new talent development program launched by Dragon Eagle TV. Due to the pandemic, employers are facing the most severe labor shortage since World

by Admin
You are Hired Ep 2 "Learn from the Best"
you-are-hired   -   You Are Hired (YAH!) Pilot Episode - Inteview Grant Yang

Sponsorship If you or your company are interested in sponsoring this show, please click on the link to Sponsorship Inquiry Form for more information.

by Admin
You Are Hired (YAH!) Pilot Episode - Inteview Grant Yang
Chinese-interviews   -   【中美汽车对话】专访国际汽车工程师学会联合会(FISITA)终身名誉主席,清华大学汽车产业与技术战略研究院院长赵福全博士|龙鹰卫视

本期中美汽车对话聚焦于智能电动汽车(EV)领域,探讨了在全球经济和科技变迁背景下,中国和美国汽车产业的交流与合作。作为全球两大经济体及汽车市场,中美两国在智能电动车领域的动态不仅影响彼此,也引领着全球汽车行业的发展方向。本节目特别邀请到清华大学汽车产业与技术战略研究院院长赵福全博士,深入分析ICT企业(信息通信技术企业)进入造车行业的动机、智能电动汽车成功的关键要素以及未来汽车产业的新赛道。 Highlight * ICT企业转型契机 赵福全博士强调,随着互联网从“人人联网”转向“万物互联”,ICT企业看到了在智能电动汽车领域应用其核心技术和数据处理能力的巨大潜力。汽车作为民用工业中产业链最长、资本需求最大的产业之一,为ICT企业提供了实现技术落地和业务扩展的理想平台。未来,智能电动汽车将成为城市基础设施中的重要节点,连接人流、物流和能源流,并通过信息流改变社会运作方式。 * 智能电动汽车的成功要素 赵博士指出,成功的智能电动汽车不仅要具备优秀的硬件基础,还需具备软件与硬件深度融合的能力,使车辆能够自我进化并适应个性化需求。这意味着车辆投产后

by Admin
Featured Articles 5 Articles
Read More View All
News      密州三所大学被叫停与中国合作|州情咨文重点内容|通用汽车电动车前景|流感死亡病例|拯救车城破旧房屋|地方警察排斥ICE|昆曲展演


News      Reuniting in Person: A Heartfelt Gathering for the APAC Community
Reuniting in Person: A Heartfelt Gathering for the APAC Community

It was a heartwarming sight to behold as members of the APAC community gathered in person after two long years. The event, marked by a spirit of reconnection and camaraderie, brought together colleagues, friends, and family who had been separated by time and circumstances. As Lisa pointed out, the absence

Community      Join the 2025 Community-Wide Lunar New Year Celebration with the Detroit Pistons!
Join the 2025 Community-Wide Lunar New Year Celebration with the Detroit Pistons!

As we usher in the Year of the Snake, the city of Detroit gears up for an unforgettable evening of culture, community, and basketball at the 2025 Community-Wide Lunar New Year Celebration. Partnered with the Detroit Pistons, this landmark event will take place on January 31, 2025, at the iconic

you-are-hired      You are Hired Ep 4"How to successfully transition to a different career stage"
You are Hired Ep 4"How to successfully transition to a different career stage"

This episode shares information to help you navigate your job transition by providing strategies on how to utilize your strengths and pivot to a new role.  Our guest panel includes: Richard Hu, VP of BorgWarner, Sue Sun-Lasovage CHRO Hyzon Motors Soraya Kim Larkin, Division President H2Power Please subscribe to Dragon

you-are-hired      You are Hired Ep 2 "Learn from the Best"
You are Hired Ep 2 "Learn from the Best"

A new episode of You Are Hired. Want to get hired?  Want to advance your career? Watch ‘Learn from the Best’ You Are Hired (YAH!) is a brand-new talent development program launched by Dragon Eagle TV. Due to the pandemic, employers are facing the most severe labor shortage since World

you-are-hired      You Are Hired (YAH!) Pilot Episode - Inteview Grant Yang
You Are Hired (YAH!) Pilot Episode - Inteview Grant Yang

Sponsorship If you or your company are interested in sponsoring this show, please click on the link to Sponsorship Inquiry Form for more information.

Chinese-interviews      【中美汽车对话】专访国际汽车工程师学会联合会(FISITA)终身名誉主席,清华大学汽车产业与技术战略研究院院长赵福全博士|龙鹰卫视

本期中美汽车对话聚焦于智能电动汽车(EV)领域,探讨了在全球经济和科技变迁背景下,中国和美国汽车产业的交流与合作。作为全球两大经济体及汽车市场,中美两国在智能电动车领域的动态不仅影响彼此,也引领着全球汽车行业的发展方向。本节目特别邀请到清华大学汽车产业与技术战略研究院院长赵福全博士,深入分析ICT企业(信息通信技术企业)进入造车行业的动机、智能电动汽车成功的关键要素以及未来汽车产业的新赛道。 Highlight * ICT企业转型契机 赵福全博士强调,随着互联网从“人人联网”转向“万物互联”,ICT企业看到了在智能电动汽车领域应用其核心技术和数据处理能力的巨大潜力。汽车作为民用工业中产业链最长、资本需求最大的产业之一,为ICT企业提供了实现技术落地和业务扩展的理想平台。未来,智能电动汽车将成为城市基础设施中的重要节点,连接人流、物流和能源流,并通过信息流改变社会运作方式。 * 智能电动汽车的成功要素 赵博士指出,成功的智能电动汽车不仅要具备优秀的硬件基础,还需具备软件与硬件深度融合的能力,使车辆能够自我进化并适应个性化需求。这意味着车辆投产后

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