Video Script: (by Alexia Xu)

Alexia Xu: Welcome to Dragon Eagle TV, my name is Alexia Xu. We’re currently at the Detroit Public Schools, where we are reporting on the One Book One World program. 

Alexia Xu: The One Book One World Michigan project brings books about Asian heritage to K-12 public schools in Michigan. Their goal is to promote awareness of different Asian cultures through books. This project is sponsored by GM and Comerica, and it has a partnership with Association of Chinese Americans, North American Chinese Coalition, Dragon Eagle TV, and Chinese Association of Greater Detroit. The One Book One World project donated 50 books to the school FLICS, and sponsorship and partnership volunteers read books to the students there. 

Jamie Zhang: During the Daytime, he worshiped Budda and fetched water.

Tom Cooney: When we got home, baba stood with me in front of a mirror and said your eyes rise to the skies and speak to the stars. 

Alexia Xu: The students had a wonderful time learning more about Asian heritage through books. 

Student one: I liked the book Dragon’s Hometown because it was inspiring, and it taught me about the Dragons and stuff, and I just like the program. 

Student two: And the boy who came in was showing us the real kung fu dance. I liked it, and we have been doing it recently. 

Alexia Xu: We interviewed the different Volunteers, and here is their response to why they are participating in this project. 

Tom Cooney: General Motors and our boss, Mary Barra, has said that we want to be the most inclusive company in the world and it’s not just talk, we are really living it, and today we have the opportunity to do that. It’s very important to me personally. I grew up in Detroit but I’ve lived most of my adult life around the world. I’ve lived in China and Taiwan. I can speak Chinese. All three of my children can speak Chinese. My wife is a Chinese American, so my children are all mixed, so it’s really become part of my personal identity as well. 我会讲中文。我的三个孩子都会讲中文。

Logan Mcleod: GM is so apart of our community, and it’s a big part of what we do and every opportunity I get the chance to come out into the community and give back. It’s a huge testimony to Mary’s leadership and our priorities and our culture here at GM, that values diversity, inclusion, and equity across everyone. 

Dylan Damian: Diversity and giving back to the community is a huge part of who we are and what we do. We want to be there for our customers no matter where they are, meet them as they are, where they are, and that’s why we do these things. 

Peggy Du: So this year, today, we are doing the book donation to the Detroit school district, so I am so happy to read books to the kids.

Shenlin Chen: We are so happy to be the leading organization of this One Book One world project this year. 

Zetia Hogan: This book donation program is very relevant to our school community as we have Japanese and Chinese Scholars here. We really want them to learn about the culture and the Asian culture. We’re very excited to be a part of this program to have books donated to our community. Earlier this school year, 2022 in January, we partnered with Dragon Eagle TV to bring in the Chinese New Year. Some of our scholars and staff partnered with them to perform at the NBA game of the Detroit Pistons. That’s where we began our partnership, and I look forward to the rest of the school year and inviting Dragon Eagle TV to our culture blast kicking off on June 22nd, 2022. 

Jamie Zhang: I would like to thank our community partner Dragon Eagle TV for also your partnership on this event. 

Alexia Xu: (主持人) 欢迎来到龙鹰卫视,我的名字是Alexia Xu。我们目前在底特律公立学校,正在报道 "一本书一个世界 "项目。

Alexia Xu: (主持人画外音)  密歇根州 "一本书一视界 "项目将有关亚洲文化的书籍带到密歇根州的K-12公立学校。这次活动的目标是通过赠送书籍促进美国孩子对不同亚洲文化的认识。这个项目由通用汽车和Comerica公司赞助,与美华协会、北美华人联盟、龙鹰电视台和大底特律中国人协会有合作关系。一书一视界项目向FLICS学校捐赠了50本书,赞助和合作的志愿者在活动当日为那里的学生阅读书籍。

Jamie Zhang: 白天,他敬拜佛祖,打水。(阅读)

Tom Cooney: 当我们回到家时,爸爸和我一起站在镜子前,说你的眼睛上升到天空,与星星说话。(阅读)

Alexia Xu: 学生们度过了一段美好的时光,通过书籍了解了更多的亚洲文化遗产。

Student one: 我喜欢《龙的故乡》这本书,因为它很有启发性,它让我了解了龙和其他东西,我喜欢这个活动。

Student two: 刚才进来的男孩正在向我们展示真正的功夫舞。我很喜欢,而且我们最近一直在做。

Alexia Xu: 我们采访了不同的志愿者,以下是他们对为什么参加这个项目的回应。

Tom Cooney:(通用汽车): 通用汽车公司和我们的老板玛丽-巴拉说过,我们要成为世界上最具包容性的公司,这不是说说而已,今天我们来付之行动的。这对我个人来说非常重要。我在底特律长大,但我成年后的大部分时间都生活在世界各地。我曾在中国和台湾生活过。我可以说中文。我的三个孩子都能说中文。我的妻子是美籍华人,所以我的孩子都是混血儿,这些经历成为我个人身份的一部分。

Logan Mcleod:(通用汽车)通用汽车与我们的社区息息相关,这是我们工作的一个重要部分。每当我有机会进入社区活动,我要回报给社区。这是对玛丽的领导力、我们的优先事项和我们在通用汽车的文化的一个巨大证明,即重视多样性、包容性和每个人的公平。

Dylan Damian: (Comerica银行)多样性和回馈社会是我们的身份和工作的一个重要部分。我们希望为我们的客户提供服务,无论他们身在何处,满足他们的需求,这就是我们做这些事情的原因。

Peggy Du: (美华协会) 今天,我们向底特律校区捐赠书籍并很高兴能给孩子们读书。

Shenlin Chen: (美华协会) 我们非常高兴能成为今年这个 "一书一视界 "项目的牵头组织。

Zetia Hogan: (FLICS校长)这个图书捐赠计划与我们的学校社区非常相关,因为我们有学中文和日文的学生。我们真的希望他们能够了解文化和亚洲文化。我们非常高兴能成为这个计划的一部分,使书籍被捐赠到我们的社区。本学年早些时候,2022年1月,我们与龙鹰龙鹰卫视合作,参与NBA活塞队中国新年庆祝活动,我们的一些学生和工作人员参与了在底特律活塞队的比赛中表演。这是我们合作的开始,我期待在剩下的学年继续合作,并邀请龙鹰龙鹰卫视参加我们2022年6月22日开幕的文化大餐。

Jamie Zhang: (Comerica银行)我想感谢我们的社区合作伙伴龙鹰龙鹰卫视,感谢你们在这次活动中的合作。

To learn more about One Book One World Michigan, please visit

The Foreign Language Immersion and Cultural Studies School (FLICS), a K-8 program, is one of the only public immersion programs in the state, offering partial-immersion programs in French, Spanish, Japanese, or Chinese. The FLICS language program is a K-12 language program in one of the above four languages, with seamless continuation at the high school level. This makes the FLICS language program one of the only K-8 language continua in four languages in the country. Our focus is the foreign, or global, languages staffed with highly trained teachers from all corners of the world.

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