In this interview, Pamela Phan, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Asia at the U.S. Department of Commerce, discussed the programs offered to the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) business community.

Pamela Phan noted that the Department of Commerce has offices in 17 locations across the Asia region, focusing on helping small businesses and U.S. exporters grow their business and find opportunities overseas. She mentioned that for the AAPI community, the Asian markets can seem intimidating, but their network of export assistance centers is available to help the community understand export opportunities better.

Addressing the issue of AAPI representation, Pamela Phan highlighted the positive trend of increasing AAPI representation in the federal government. She emphasized that diverse perspectives are critical to their work and help establish relationships with Asian government partners.

  • Keywords: Pamela Phan, U.S. Department of Commerce, AAPI Community, Export Opportunities, Asian Markets
  • Description: Pamela Phan discusses the support provided by the U.S. Department of Commerce to the AAPI business community and the issue of AAPI representation.
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