Start from 11/6/2022, Dragon Eagle TV youth group went out door to door in the Century Oaks neighborhood to commence a used Winter Coat drive. The youth group put in time and effort to design, cut, and hand out hundreds of flyers to all the residents in Century Oak Sub. On 11/13, as communicated, the team went out to collect the donations. In total, We received over 100 coats generously donated by kind families. Winter in Michigan is not pleasant, and these coats will help many families resist the harsh winter winds in Michigan. We are in cooperation with The Oakland Sheriff Pal who has been donating coats to residents who need coats for over 30 years. Every year they receive around 4000-5000 coats. This saves the lives of many and we are very grateful to be part of this year's coat drive.
从11月6日,龙鹰卫视青年团在Century Oaks 小区开展了收集二手冬衣的捐赠活动。青年团向Century Oaks 小区发放了数百份自已精心设计的冬衣收集捐赠宣传单。 11月13日,按照通知,团队外出收集捐赠的冬衣。我们总共收到了100多件好心家庭慷慨捐赠的外套。密歇根的冬天氛外寒冷,而这些大衣将帮助很多家庭抵御密歇根冬季的凛冽寒风。我们与奥克兰警长 Pal 合作,他 30 多年来一直在向需要外套的居民捐赠外套。他们每年收到大约 4000-5000 件外套。这项活动给需要冬衣的人提供了生存的基本需求,我们非常感谢能参与今年的大衣募捐活动。

The Oakland County Sheriff's Office thanked the Dragon Eagle Youth Team for their charitable actions in an official social media post!